Who Are We

Why Do We Exist?

Who Are We?

We Love Golf

But we also love technology. So we started the Bogey Room to help provide a predictable and impressive environment to play golf, year-round. In the Pacific Northwest, the Winters can be quite rough…so finding opportunities to compete in golf is quite challenging.

At the Bogey Room you can join a lounge that lets you hang with friends, compete in events, and improve your game in an environment that keeps you motivated.

We Also Love Freedom

  • Play golf around your life schedule.
  • Don't wreck your budget with high hourly golf rates.
  • Want to bring a friend or family member, bring them along!

Our Promise to You

Any member that joins the Bogey Room can expect the following at any of our locations.



We respect the most important asset we all have… our TIME. Everything we do on the back-end is meant to improve the efficiencies in your experience. We want you to be able to experience golf and the community, without the frustration of wasted time.


Each location is equipped with top notch technology and we continue to test out new technologies to ensure you are getting the best. We have a small team that tweaks the set-up to keep things fresh for the members. You’ll always have the best.


We will not sacrifice revenue for community. We know how it feels to walk into an environment and not LOVE being there. That is not what we are about. If someone in the community doesn’t respect the rules of lounge, they will not last long. Come be around folks that you look forward to seeing again!

Excited About the Possibilities?

Consider joining one of our open locations. Check out the membership options right here.

Membership Options